Memorandum of Organization of the Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs for Clinical Education
Section One: Name
The name of this organization shall be “The Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs (OKCPTP) for Clinical Education”
Section Two: Principal Office
The principal office resides with the home institution of the Treasurer.
Section Three: Purpose, Mission and Vision
The Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs for Clinical Education (OKCPTP) is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) Internal Revenue Code.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs for Clinical Education shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law) or (b) by an organization contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law).
As members of the OKCPTP for Clinical Education, our mission is to cultivate a culture of excellence in physical therapist clinical education leadership, innovation, and scholarship through collaborative partnerships.
As members of the OKCPTP for Clinical Education our vision is to be a national leader in physical therapist clinical education.
The purposes for this organization include but are not limited to:
Promote clinical faculty and clinical site development
Provide mentorship among Directors of Clinical Education (DCEs) and Assistant/Associate Directors of Clinical Education (ADCEs) of PT programs
Support ongoing development of clinical education groups
Promote quality physical therapy clinical education through collaboration with the components of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
Reward outstanding performance of the clinical faculty
Optimize the administrative processes for physical therapy clinical education
Enhance communication between PT/PTA programs regarding clinical education
Section Four: Membership
The organization shall consist of institutional members, with all member institutions having equal voting rights and other rights, as well as interests and privileges.
The rights and privileges of member institutions, their liability for dues and assessments and the termination and transfer of membership shall be as stated in the regulations.
Section Five: Governing Body
The powers of the organization shall be exercised and its property controlled by the membership as a whole who shall elect officers to run the organization.
Section Six: Officers
Officers: The officers of this organization shall be a chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer. Other offices and officers may be established or appointed by members of the organization at the regular annual meeting. The qualifications of, the time and manner of electing, the duties of, the terms of office of, and the manner of removing officers shall be as set forth in the regulations.
Section Seven: Amendments to the Memorandum
This memorandum may be amended or repealed, in whole or in part, only by majority vote of this organization’s members at an organized meeting of the group.
Section Eight: Regulations
Regulations will be hereafter adopted. Such regulations may be amended or repealed, in whole or in part, in the manner proved therein, and the amendments to the regulations shall be binding on all members, including those who may have voted against them.
Section Nine: Dissolution
This organization shall be dissolved and its affairs wound up by a majority of the voting members or when the objectives for which the organization have been fully accomplished. This memorandum is adopted on September 19, 2002, City of Columbus, County of Franklin, Ohio.
Regulations of the Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs for Clinical Education
The principal office of this organization for the transaction of its business is located at the home institution of the Treasurer. The organization may have such other offices as may from time to time be designated by its members.
Section 2.1 Membership as Governing Body. The membership acting as a whole shall constitute the governing body of this organization.
Section 2.2 Management of Property. Property of the organization shall be used in accordance with the directions of the membership. The membership shall not incur any debt or liability, or any combination of debts or liabilities, exceeding the net assets of the organization.
Section 2.3 Nominations for officers. Nominations may be made in writing and delivered to the secretary at least three (3) weeks before the annual meeting. Announcement of these nominations shall also be communicated by the vice chair to the members of the organization. No person shall be elected as an officer unless he/she consents to his/her election.
Section 2.4 Signature on Contracts & Formal Documents. Contracts and formal documents shall be signed by the Chair, Treasurer or a designee.
Section 3.1 Membership.
Member institutions shall be the academic institutions that provide physical therapist education in the States of Ohio and Kentucky. The academic institutions shall appoint at least one representative to the organization. The representative(s) shall be faculty members with a designated clinical education administrator role such as the DCE or ADCE.
Academic institutions shall notify the organization within 30 days if their representative(s) changes.
Academic institutions that have an organizational structure whereby more than one individual represents the clinical education interests of the program will select one individual to serve as the voting member.
Section 3.2 Membership Class. The organization shall have one class of members only. All voting rights and other rights, interest and privileges of each member institution shall be equal.
Section 3.3 Membership Requirements:
All member institutions must be an accredited academic program with the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education.
All member representatives must be in “good standing” with their respective state licensing board and members of the APTA.
Academic programs that wish to join the OKCPTP must make the request in writing to the Chair at least three months prior to a scheduled business meeting.The Chair will present the request to the membership for a vote at a scheduled business meeting.
Section 3.4 Voting. Each member institution will be given one (1) vote during elections and all organizational activities. If the member institution’s representative(s) is not able to attend an organizational meeting, institutions may appoint an alternate representative.
Section 4.1 Designation of Officers. The officers of the organization shall be elected from the representatives of member institutions. Offices shall consist of: a chair, a vice-chair, a secretary and a treasurer. The offices of vice chair and treasurer may be held by the same person. The offices of chair and secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years for two year terms. The offices of vice chair and treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years for two year terms. Only one individual per member institution may hold office at any one time.
Section 4.2 Duties of the Chair:
Presiding Officer. The chair, or in the absence of the chair, the vice-chair shall preside over all meetings of the organization. In the absence of both, a temporary presiding officer shall be elected from among the members present.
Appointing Committees. The chair shall appoint all committees of the organization, unless it is specially provided or ordered otherwise.
General Supervision. The chair shall exercise a general supervision over all of the affairs of the organization.
Ex-Officio Member of Committees. The chair shall be a member, ex officio, of all committees, but shall not be counted in determining a quorum. In the absence of the chair, the vice-chair may so serve.
Review of Financial Records. The chair shall review the financial records annually or may appoint a designee to do so.
Section 4.3 Duties of the Vice Chair:
In the absence or disability of the chair, the vice-chair, and in so acting, shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all restrictions on, the chair.
The Vice Chair shall review the bylaws on an annual basis and provide recommendations for revision to the members of the organization during the annual business meetings.
The Vice Chair will serve as the Parliamentarian during meetings.
Section 4.4 Duties of the Secretary:
The Secretary shall keep a complete record of all proceedings and correspondence of the organization.
The secretary shall send notices of meetings by written notice to members of the organization as required.
The secretary shall keep a log of each member institution including the name and contact information of their representative(s).
The secretary shall perform such other duties usually appertaining to the office of secretary.
Section 4.5 Duties of the Treasurer:
The treasurer shall keep the books and accounts of the organization, and shall perform such other duties usually assigned to a treasurer.
The treasurer shall also provide a yearly financial report and a projected budget that reflects the proposed activities of the organization to support its mission and purposes. Annual dues assessment will be determined by the projected budget. This report shall be submitted to the Chair prior to the beginning of each fiscal year.
The treasurer shall give bond, if required by the organization.
The treasurer shall sign all checks drawn on the accounts of the organization. In the absence or incapacity of the treasurer, the treasurer’s power to sign checks may be delegated to the Chair.
Section 5.1 Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the organization shall be held twice per year, once during the spring and once during the fall at a day, time, and place designated by the resolution of membership. The annual meeting of the organization for the election of officers and the transaction of the general business of the organization shall be held in the Fall meeting.
Section 5.2 Special Meetings. The chair may call a special meeting of the organization at any time. A special meeting must be called on the written request of any six (6) representatives of member institutions. At least fourteen (14) days’ notice by mail, e-mail or telephone of such meeting must be given to the members of the organization. The notice must state the objective of the meeting.
Section 5.3 Quorum. Sixty-six (66%) percent of the dues-paying member institutions shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the organization.
Section 5.4 Attendance at meetings. Any associates of the member institutions may attend the meetings of the consortium. The attendees at scheduled meetings must be made known to the officer overseeing the meeting at least 5 days in advance.
Section 6.1 Annual Dues. The annual membership dues, payable at the beginning of each fiscal year, shall not exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). The organization's fiscal year shall begin on January (1) and end on December thirty-first (31) of the same year. A member institution admitted after the first day of July in any year shall pay one-half of the dues for that year. Dues are determined each year based on the financial report and budget according to regulation four (4) section 4.5.
Section 6.2 Remission of Dues. In a special case, the membership is empowered to remit the annual dues of a member institution should a majority vote deem such action to be in the best interest of the organization.
Section 6.3 Effect of Nonpayment of Dues. Any member institution neglecting to pay dues or obligations of any kind for a period of two (2) months after they are due shall forfeit rights to membership after provision of notice. After one additional month, if such dues or obligations are still unpaid, the member institution may be dropped from the roll of membership by majority vote of the remaining membership. If such discretion is not exercised, the member institution shall be dropped from the roll at the end of the calendar year. Nonpaying member institutions shall not be permitted to attend meetings until the payment is received.
Section 7.1 Termination by Resignation or Expulsion. The membership of any member institution shall terminate on the member institution’s written request for termination delivered to the chair or secretary of the organization, or upon the member institution’s expulsion by the organization.
Section 7.2 Rights to Termination. On termination of membership, any right, title or interest of the member institution in or to the property and assets of the organization from any member institution who has terminated its membership shall remain a debt owed to the organization by such member institution. Such debt shall be enforceable against the member institution.
Section 7.3 Membership Not Transferable. Membership in the organization is not transferable or assignable.
Section 8.1 Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion. Any member institution and/or representative may be suspended or expelled from the organization for willful infractions of the house rule or of any regulation, or for acts of conduct that the organization may deem disorderly, injurious or hostile to the interest or objectives of the organization, provided the organization gives notice to such offending member institution and/or representative of the proceedings against and the member institution and/or representative is provided an opportunity to be heard.
Section 8.2 Initiation of Suspension or Expulsion. Proceedings under this section shall be initiated by resolution of the organization or on complaint against any member institution and/or representative signed by a representative of five (5) other member institutions and filed with the secretary. On adoption of the resolution or receipt of the complaint, as the case may be, the organization shall schedule the matter to be heard at the first regular, or special, meeting of the organization. The secretary shall deliver to the accused member institution and/or representative, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the hearing, a copy of the resolution or complaint, together with a notice of the time and place of hearing.
Section 8.3 Hearing. The chair shall preside at such hearing and shall read the charge against the accused member institution and/or representative. Such accused member institution and/or representative shall be allowed to make a statement.
Section 8.4 Determination of Hearing. The organization may, by the affirmative vote of sixty-six (66%) percent of its member institutions, request the offending member institution and/or representative to resign or may suspend or expel the member institution and/or representative. Should the member institution and/or representative decline to resign following such request, the member institution’s or representative’s name shall be stricken from the rolls by the organization.
These regulations may be amended by the affirmative vote of a majority of the member institutions at any regular or special meeting of the organization, provided notice of such amendment or amendments and the nature thereof shall have been given to the member representatives of the organization at least one (1) month prior to the date of the meeting at which such amendment or amendments are to be presented for consideration. Any adopted amendments to the regulations shall be binding on all member institutions including those who voted against them. Voting by proxy or letter in elections to amend these regulations shall not be permitted. Member representatives that attend the meeting by electronic means shall be permitted to vote.
Member institutions agree to abide by the regulations as they exist in this document, and as they may be amended thereafter, and consent to any obligation incurred by the organization in the past, or to be incurred in the future.
This organization may be dissolved by the vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of its member institutions. Upon the dissolution of this Organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or corresponding section of any future federal tax code), or shall be distributed to the Federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
These Regulations of the Organization are adopted on September 19, 2002, at the City of Columbus, County of Franklin, Ohio
Signed: ___________________________________ Signed: _________________________________
Vice Chair Treasurer
Amended: 10/28/03, 10/21/05, 11/19/09, 4/15/11, 9/19/13, 12/13/17