Registration Open
The Clinical Education Summit was held on October 12th and 13th in Kansas City, Missouri. Two representatives from each accredited physical therapy program and 50 stakeholders met for 2 days to advance collaboration and consensus building among the profession's academic programs.
According to ACAPT (ACAPT Website, October 2014), "The purpose of this summit is threefold:
● Reach agreement on best practices for clinical education in entry-level physical therapist education
● Strengthen the relationship between academic and clinical faculty.
● Discern institutional readiness to implement recommended changes in clinical education.
Preliminary Draft Summary:
Attendees met, asked "what if" questions, and discussed recommendations for harmonization (consensus building) and innovation. They also discussed a rationale for the harmonization and innovation recommendations and guiding principles. A preliminary draft summarizing those discussions can be found HERE.
Final Summary:
On 11/24/14, the Final draft of The Clinical Education Summit was shared by ACAPT (ACAPT Website, November 2014). The summary of the summit can be found HERE.
The attached report contains an overview of the guiding principles, harmonization recommendations, innovation recommendations, and desired outcomes. The action learning questions and summit materials are provided in the appendix.
The ACAPT board is meeting in December and January to prioritize the recommendations and integrate appropriate follow-up into the strategic plan. We anticipate this follow-up will involve a mix of collaborative task forces, support of existing initiatives, research studies, and pilot projects. ACAPT will be collecting names of individuals interested in contributing toward the work of all of the recommendations. They are particularly interested in responses from clinical faculty and the clinical community and will be exploring avenues to engage greater numbers of our clinical partners in this process moving forward.