COVID-19 Initiatives
On behalf of the Ohio Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank you and your colleagues for all of your efforts amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize the hardships and stressors that clinicians have been navigating daily and appreciate your commitment to the profession. Although many programs don’t have students in the clinic currently, we hope to remain a resource for our clinical partners. Below are some of the initiatives taking place at the regional and national levels:
Regionally (Ohio Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs)
Communications within the consortium on how to reduce burden on clinical sites once student clinical education resumes
Collaboration amongst programs about academic program clinical education needs for the remainder of 2020
Sharing of resources, such as clinical offerings to improve capacity
Nationally (ACAPT and NCCE)
ACAPT has convened 5 workgroups that are developing recommendations, strategies, resources, data, etc. related to the following areas:
Resuming clinical education experiences
Resuming in-person teaching/labs
Researching/documenting what was done in this situation for historic purposes
CAPTE changes needed for the trickle-down effect/long haul
Impact on students about to graduate (lack of jobs)
ACAPT added a Resource page for COVID-19 Response and a clinical education section to their COVID-19 response page (https://acapt.org/covid19-response).
ACAPT has also added a clinical education open forum to facilitate communication. This forum is open access once you’ve registered as an individual member (free) and subscribed to the forum. We hope that this will complement the CESIG forum which is already available at https://forums.aptaeducation.org/c/CESIG/7.
Steps to join as an individual member through ACAPT – Click on the following link to register: https://americancouncilofacademicphysicaltherapy.wildapricot.org/membership-levels
After registering, you will receive an email from ACAPT with your login information. The process to receive your information has been taking 48 hours, however, with an increase in traffic this may result in longer time frames. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Login and subscribe to the forum.