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ACAPT Strategic Initiative Panels


Clinical Education Panels Link


  • Common Terminology Panel

    • Charge: recommend a common terminology and develop guidelines for implentation of proposed terminology. This work will result in templates and models to support clinical education, such as placement request forms and student information forms.


  • Student Readiness Panel

    • Charge: identify and define a core set of competencies (knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional behaviors) that are to be demonstrated by students prior to full-time clinical education. The initial focus of the panel will be entry to the initial full-time clinical experience.


  • Integrated Clinical Education Panel

    • Charge: develop a recommendation for implementation of integrated clinical education as a component of physical therapist education.



Clinical Education Task Forces Link


  • Clinical Education Placement Process

    • The Task Force is set to explore the issue of the placement process for clinical education experiences and formulate recommendations to ACAPT.


  • Payment for Clinical Experience

    • The Task Force has been formed to explore the issue of payment for clinical education experiences and formulate recommendations to ACAPT.



​ACAPT Task Force


  • Enhance Programs Awareness to Student-Clinician Mental Health and Wellness

    • The Task Force has been formed to identify best practices for academic programs to support and improve students' health and well-being throughout their academic career and in preparation for clinical practice.


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