Clinical Education Position Papers, Common Themes, and Summaries of the Position Papers, and Webinars:
In a special edition of the Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 7 position papers on clinical education were published. These position papers are foundational in the upcoming discussions at the Fall Clinical Education Summit so we encourage you to read them and let us know what you think.
Members of our consortium will be summarizing the papers and we will share those summaries with you. There will also be Webinars to discuss and learn more about the papers.
The American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) has published the documents and they can be accessed using the link below:
The Ohio-Kentucky Consortium will be sharing more information with you on the position papers as it comes available. Until then, everyone is encouraged to read the papers and provide feedback either to members of the consortium or on the ACAPT site. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on these exciting documents.
Common Themes:
The themes of the position papers are summarized in this document.
Summaries of the Position Papers:
Members of the OH-KY Consortium have created summaries of the 7 key position papers to provide a quick overview of the articles for busy clinicians and to provide information about gaps/background/questions to stimulate their ideas/thoughts processes in preparation for the Webinars.
Please note that these summaries are not meant to support or negate any position paper.
Summaries of Position Papers
Introduction to the Conversation
Authors: Jette Summary, Recker-Hughes Summary, Deusinger Summary
Clinical Education Curricular Structure
Authors: Jette Summary, Wruble-Hakim Summary, Rapport Summary
Authors: Jette Summary, McCallum Summary, Applebaum Summary
Targeted webinars will be held in June and July around key issues presented in the position papers. These webinar discussions are intended to allow for input from a broad array of stakeholders and will be used to further shape proposed positions. We encourage everyone with an interest in clinical education to read these position papers and participate in at least one webinar per topic.
Webinars 1 & 2: Introduction to the Conversation
Authors: Jette, Recker-Hughes, Deusinger
Thursday, June 19, 1:00 – 2:30 pm EST
Tuesday, June 24, 7:00 – 8:30 pm EST
Webinars 3 & 4: Clinical Education Curricular Structure
Authors: Jette, Hakim, Rapport
Tuesday, July 8, 12:00 – 1:00 pm EST
Thursday, July 17, 8:00 – 9:00 pm EST
Webinars 5 & 6: Partnerships
Aurthors: Jette, McCallum, Applebaum
Wednesday, July 23, 8:00 - 9:00 pm EST
Tuesday, July 29, 4:00 - 5:00 pm EST