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Consortium Core Network (CCN)
Operational Definitions

Ohio-Kentucky Consortium of PT Programs (OKCPTP)

Consortium Core Network (CCN)

Operational Definitions


(Academic) Program: The DPT program associated with a specific university or academic institution. May also refer to the Director of Clinical Education for said program.


Capacity: The ability to meet/sustain/support the clinical education needs of our regional academic programs (this includes specific needs regarding setting and level of clinical education experience).


Clinical Education Site: Specific clinical education site or over-arching company at which DPT students would complete their clinical education experience. All clinical education sites affiliating with two or more OKCPTP member institutions participating in the CCN are eligible for inclusion in the CCN. Breadth of participation in the CCN is at the discretion of the clinical education site, as they will maintain the autonomy to decide which academic programs they affiliate with. Clinical education site engagement in the CCN can range from affiliating with two academic programs at a minimum to partnering with all academic programs in the CCN. Regardless of level of participation in the CCN, all clinical education sites will have equal rights and privileges in the CCN.


Confirmation and Release Phase: The phase of the OKCPTP’s centralized placement process when academic programs notify clinical education sites of the clinical education experience offers (aka: slots) that they intend to use (confirmation) and not use (release).


Consortium Core Network (CCN):  A CCN is defined as a network of overlapping academic-clinical partnerships within a regional consortium that collaborates to enhance physical therapy CE operations.


​Demand: Number of clinical education experiences needed by academic programs.


First Come, First Served (FCFS) offers: Offered clinical education experiences (aka: slots) that are not dedicated to an academic program. These slots are offered on a FCFS basis assumedly to multiple academic programs and confound data about supply.


Follow-up requests: Requests for specific clinical education experiences (aka: slots) made by academic programs to individual clinical education sites after the offer phase to meet individual program and/or student needs (e.g. may be requested for specific setting, geography, etc.)


Give Back Coordinator (GBC): The individual who coordinates the reallocation of unused clinical education experience slots.


Offer Phase: The phase of the OKCPTP’s centralized placement process when participating clinical education sites return clinical education experience offers (aka: slots) to the academic program(s) of their choice in the Exxat platform.


Placement Phase: The phase of the OKCPTP’s centralized placement process when academic programs employ their preferred method for assigning students to clinical education experience offers (aka: slots).


Platform: The Exxat collaborative site that will allow participants to gather data, allocate clinical education experiences (aka: slots), etc. Also referred to as the “web-based platform”.


Participant: A program or clinical education site that is engaging in the CCN pilot study.


Partnership: The existing relationship between a clinical education site and an academic program, which includes an established clinical education agreement.


Reallocation Phase: The phase of the OKCPTP’s centralized placement process when unused clinical education experience offers will be redistributed to academic programs based on the parameters specified by the clinical education site.


Request Phase: The phase of the OKCPTP’s centralized placement process when participating academic programs solicit clinical education experiences (aka: slots) from clinical partners.


Slot(s): A term used in the Exxat platform to refer to the clinical education experiences offered by a clinical education site. Slot details usually include the dates of the experience, the level of the experience (ie: first, intermediate, terminal, etc.) and setting (acute care, inpatient rehab, outpatient ortho, etc.).


Specific offers: Offered clinical education experiences (aka: slots) that are dedicated to individual academic programs.


Steering Committee: Volunteer-based group that will assess and verify the actions of the Central Office Manager and ensure fair and appropriate re-allocation of clinical education experience offers (aka: slots) according to parameters established by the clinical site. The OKCPTP will select representatives from academic programs and clinical education sites participating in the CCN to draft procedures and oversee the administrative manager for all CCN programs and clinical education sites. The committee will consist of six members, three representatives from academic programs and three from clinical education sites with two members from each of the OKCPTP three defined regions (north, central and south).


Supply: Number of clinical education experiences (aka: slots) offered via March mailing and academic program follow-up requests.


Unused Slots: Number of offered clinical education experiences that were released by academic programs  

Utilization: Number of offered clinical education experiences that were confirmed or used by an academic program (aka: used slots).



  • ACAPT: American Council of Academic Physical Therapy

  • CAPTE: Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education

  • CE: Clinical Education

  • CEE: Clinical Education Experience

  • CESIG: Clinical Education Special Interest Group of the Academy of Physical Therapy Education

  • CCN: Consortium Core Network

  • DCE: Director of Clinical Education

  • DPT: Doctor in Physical Therapy

  • GBC: Give Back Coordinator

  • OKCPTP: Ohio Kentucky Consortium of Physical Therapy Programs for Clinical Education

  • PPTF: Clinical Education Placement Process Task Force

  • PTCEPP: Physical therapist clinical education placement process

  • SCCE: Site Coordinator of Clinical Education



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