Individual and Group Scholarly Efforts:
Apke TL, Whalen M, Buford J. Effects of Student Physical Therapists on Clinical Instructor Productivity Across Settings in an Academic Medical Center. Phys Ther. 2019; pzz148, https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzz148.
Stander J, Grimmer K, Brink Y. Learning styles of physiotherapists: a systematic scoping review. BMC Medical Education. 2019: 19(2): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-018-1434-5
McCallum C, Engelhard C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. Contemporary Role and Responsibilities of the Director of Clinical Education: A National Qualitative Study. J Phys Ther Educ. 2018 Dec 1;32(4):312-24.
Harris LL, Kelley KA, , Cleary D, Varekojis SL, White SE. Validation of an Instrument for Measuring Professional Behaviors Across Students Enrolled in Allied Health Professional Programs. J Allied Health. 2018 Sep 7;47(3):190-5.
Engelhard C, McCallum C, Applebaum D, Teglia V. Development of an Innovative Taxonomy and Matrix Through Examination of the Director of Clinical Education's Roles and Responsibilities. J Phys Ther Educ. 2018 Dec 1;32(4):325-32.
Howman J, Wilkinson T, Engelhard C, Applebaum D. Collaborations in Clinical Education: Coordinating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Efforts to Advance Best Practices in Physical Therapist Education. J Allied Health. 2018 Sep 7;47(3):67E-74E.
Covington K, Odom C, Heflin S, Gwyer J. Student Team Learning in Practice (STEPs®): An Integrated Clinical Education Collaborative Model. J Phys Ther Educ. 2017 Jan 1;31(2):18-29.
Recker-Hughes C, Padial C, Becker E, Becker M. Clinical Site Directors’ Perspectives on Clinical Education. J Phys Ther Educ. 2016 Jan 1;30(3):21-7.
Engelhard C, McCallum C. A description of current curricular design models used in physical therapy clinical education and their relationship to pass rates on the National Physical Therapy Examination. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 2015;13(4):5.
Engelhard C, Seo, K. (2015). Assessing the Effectiveness of a Clinical Instructor Online Training Module as Measured by Student Perception and Sustained Best Practices. J Allied Health, 44(1):17-24.
McCallum CA, Mosher, PD, Howman J, Engelhard C, Euype S, Cook CE. (2014). Development of Regional Core Networks for the administration of physical therapist clinical education. J Phys Ther Educ, 28(3) 39-47.
Christine A. McCallum, Peter D. Mosher, Peri J. Jacobson, Sean P. Gallivan, Suzanne M. Giuffre, Quality in Physical Therapist Clinical Education: A Systematic Review, Phys Ther, Volume 93, Issue 10, 1 October 2013, Pages 1298–1311, https://doi.org/10.2522/ptj.20120410
Buccieri KM, Rodriguez J, Smith SS, Robinson R, , Frost JS. Director of clinical education performance assessment surveys: A 360-degree assessment of the unique roles and responsibilities of this position in physical therapy education. J Phys Ther Educ. 2012 Oct 1;26(3):13-21.
English, ML, Otte, R, Ponsler, M & Milam, A . Use of the Physical Therapist Clinical Performance Instrument as a Grading Tool as Reported by Academic Coordinators of Clinical Education. J Phys Ther Educ. 18(1) 66-73.
Apke T. Engaging learners across generations: the progressive professional development model. J Phys Ther Educ. 2010 Apr 1;24(2):61-2.
Housel N, Gandy J, Edmondson D. Clinical instructor credentialing and student assessment of clinical instructor effectiveness. J Phys Ther Educ. 2010 Apr 1;24(2):26-34.
Housel N, Gandy J. Clinical instructor credentialing and its effect on student clinical performance outcomes. J Phys Ther Educ. 2008 Dec 1;22(3):43-51.
Frost J. Clinical Education Resources. APTA. https://www.apta.org/uploadedFiles/APTAorg/Educators/Clinical_Development/Education_Resources/ClinicalEducationResources.pdf Accessed, October 11, 2019.
Lekkas P, Larsen T, Kumar S, et. al. No model of clinical education for physiotherapy is superior to another: a systematic review. Austrialian J of Physiotherapy. 2007:53(1):19-28.
Littlewood Sonia, Ypinazar Valmae, Margolis Stephen A, Scherpbier Albert, Spencer John, Dornan Tim et al. Early practical experience and the social responsiveness of clinical education: systematic review BMJ. 2005; 331 :387.
McCallum C, Bayliss J, Becker E, Nixon-Cave, et. al. The integrated clinical education strategic initiatives project-development of parameters to guide harmonization in clinical education: a scoping review. Phys Ther. 2019;99(2): 147-172. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzy135
Timmerberg J, Dole R, Silberman N, Goffar S, et. al. Physical therapist student readiness for entrance into the first full-time clinical experiences: a Delphi Study. Phys Ther. 2019;99(2):131-146. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzy134
Erickson M, Birkmeier M, Booth M, Hack LM, Hartmann J, Ingram DA, Jackson-Coty JM, LaFay VL, Wheeler E, Soper S. Recommendations from the common terminology panel of the American council of academic physical therapy. Phys Ther. 2018 Jun 19;98(9):754-62. https://doi.org/10.1093/ptj/pzy075
Thomas EM, Rybski MF, Apke TL, Kegelmeyer DA, Kloos AD. An acute interprofessional simulation experience for occupational and physical therapy students: Key findings from a survey study. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2017 May 4;31(3):317-24.
Thomas RM, Bayliss J. The Neuro Clinic: A Pilot Model to Facilitate Student Clinical Development through In-Class Patient Experiences while Meeting Community Need. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 2017;16(1):2.
Jensen GM, Nordstrom T, Segal RL, McCallum C, Graham C, Greenfield B. Education research in physical therapy: visions of the possible. Phys Ther. 2016 Dec 1;96(12):1874-84.
Pritchard SA, Blackstock FC, Nestel D, Keating JL. Simulated patients in physical therapy education: systematic review and meta-analysis. Phys Ther. 2016 Sep 1;96(9):1342-53.
Mori B, Carnahan H, Herold J. Use of simulation learning experiences in physical therapy entry-to-practice curricula: a systematic review. Physiotherapy Canada. 2015 Apr;67(2):194-202.
Seo, K. & Engelhard, C. (2014). Using the Constructivist Tri-Dimensional Design Model for Online Continuing Education for Health Care Clinical Faculty. American Journal of Distance Education, 28(1) 1-12.
Murray L, , Petrosino, C. (2014). Flipping the classroom experience-a comparison of online learning to traditional lecture. J Phys Ther Educ. 2014:28(3);35-41.
George D. (2012). Bridge program: An alternative education. Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 60(2); 66-79.
Veneri D. The role and effectiveness of computer-assisted learning in physical therapy education: a systematic review. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. 2011 May 1;27(4):287-98.
McCallum C. A process of curriculum development: meeting the needs of a community and a professional physical therapist education program. J Phys Ther Educ. 2008 Oct 1;22(2):18-28.
Holder A, , Oriolo V, Versteeg M, Kallen E, Riggs M. (2014). Cincinnati VA Medical Center and University of Cincinnati postprofessional residency in geriatric physical therapy partnering in collaborative care. Gerinotes, 21 (3) 25-27.
Zoretic B, Kolena E, Thomas M, Engelhard C, Smith R. (2014). From Ohio to Quintana Roo, a Reflection on Service Learning by DPT Students from the University of Cincinnati. Gerinotes, 21 (4) 20-21.
English ML, Ryan M, Castro MG, Ballard J, Pfeifle A. Interprofessional Teamwork in Global Health. Transformative Education for Health Professionals [website]. 2014.
Both AS. Traumatic injury to the central nervous system: brain injury. In: Tecklin JS. ed. Pediatric Physical Therapy. 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: 2014: 247-282
Effgen, SK, Howman J. (2013). Serving the Needs of Children and their Families. In: Effgen, SK, ed.
Effgen, SK, Howman J (2013). Child Appraisal: Examination and Evaluation. In: Effgen, SK, ed. Meeting the Physical Therapy Needs of Children.
George D, Mitchell D. (2012). Biofeedback for cognitive and motor deficits: A case report. Journal of Novel Physiotherapy, 1(103); doi: 10.4172/2165-7025.1000103.
Poster/Platform Presentations/Invited Presentations:
Stimpert K, Klein D, Carlo N, Green M, and McCallum CA. (February 2015). Factors that impact discharge planning for physical therapists in an inpatient acute medical stay: a systematic review. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association: Education Section. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Engelhard C, Both A, Apke T, McCallum C, Pollacek A. (2016). In the pursuit of excellence: reframing your clinical education program. Educational session. Educational Leadership Conference 2016, Phoenix, AZ.
Howman, J; Horton, E; Duke, J; Swisher, A; McCallum, C; Sindelar, B (2016, February). Clinical Performance Outcomes Following Integrated Clinical Education Experiences: A Comparison of Four Models. Platform presentation: APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
Howman, J; Swisher, A (2016, February). Increasing Clinician Awareness of the Shared Vision for Clinical Education in Physical Therapist Education: A Student Project. Poster presentation: APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
Mariano P, Devore K, Foster S, McCallum CA. (February 2015) Analysis of the placement process of PT and PTA students in clinical education experiences with a national rehabilitation company. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association: Education Section. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Engelhard, C. & Seo, K. (2014). Identifying and Maintaining Clinical Instructors (CIs) Best Practices Measured Through Student Perceptions and CI Practice. Poster presentation at Combined Sections – APTA, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 2014.
Giuffre S, Both AS. (2014). Clinical instructors’ perceptions on providing clinical education to PT students: supports, barriers, and preferences for change. Platform Presentation. Educational Leadership Conference, October 2014, Kansas City, MO.
Howman, J; Barto, K; May, M (2014, February). Preliminary Trends in Supply and Demand of Physical Therapist Clinical Education: A Regional Analysis. Poster presentation: APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
Reed R, Murray L, McCallum CA. (February 2014) Clinical instructor demographics/characteristics and the impact on students’ clinical education experience: A systematic review. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association: Education Section. Las Vegas, Nevada.
McCallum CA, Hassen A. (June 2014). Scholarship production of content related to entry-level physical therapist clinical education: review of CSM proceedings 2009-2013. NEXT Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Howman, J; Grinnan, K; Johnson, A (2013, January). A regional comparison of internship characteristics and their effect on student assessment of clinical experiences. Poster presentation: APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
McCallum, C; Apke, T; Gallivan, S; Guiffre, S; Howman, J; Siles, A; (2013, January). Grassroots initiatives in clinical education to discover collaborative strategies. Educational session presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
Howman, J; Deters, L; Greiner, C (2012, February). The Effect of Anonymity on Doctor of Physical Therapy Students’ Assessment of Clinical Instruction: A Multi-Institutional Study. Poster presentation: APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
McCallum, C; Mosher, P; Apke, T; Jacobson, P; Howman, J. (2012, October). Preparing for the future in PT clinical education: Grassroots partnerships between academic programs and clinical educators. Educational session presented at APTA Education Leadership Conference.
George D, Volansky K, Weaver J. (2016, March). Transitioning to a Professional. Platform Presentation, Excel at Teaching Symposium.
Hassen A, McCallum C. (2015). The use of a social networking site versus a traditional course management system for discussion boards on a physical therapy clinical education course. APTA CSM Conference; February 2015. Indianapolis, Indiana.
Murray L, McCallum CA. (February 2014) The integration of team-based learning to the “Flipped” classroom: the impact on students’ short-term knowledge retention. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association: Education Section. Las Vegas, Nevada.
George D. (2012, October). An Exploration of the PTA to PT Bridge Program. Poster Presentation, Ohio APTA Conference.
Zuch SE, Derck AM, Stewart KR, McCallum CA. (February 2014). Student perceptions of and intention to work with the elderly following a skilled nursing clinical education experience. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association: Education Section. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Hollander E, Richmond A, Pruitt R, George D. (2016, February). Current Clinical Practices in Patients with CVA: National Survey. Poster Presentation, APTA Combined Sections Conference.
Chleboun, G; ; Hosa, T; Walls, S; Block, C; Schuster, K (2016 February). Vastus Lateralis and Vastus Intermedius Fascicle and Patellar Tendon Length in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Case Study. Poster presentation: APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
Both AS, Myers A, Wilhelm A. (2015). Directors’ Views On Interprofessional Collaboration For Promoting “Tummy Time” At Childcare Facilities: A Pilot Study. Poster Presentation. APTA Section on Pediatrics Annual Conference 2015, Pittsburgh, PA.
Both AS, Stolle J. (2015). The Presence of Gross Motor Delay in Children with Deformational Plagiocephaly: A Systematic Review. Poster Presentation. Combined Sections Meeting 2015, Indianapolis, IN.
Drinnon J, Haviza A, Holmes K, Voltz K, George D. (2015, February). Best Practice for Screening Adolescents with Idiopathic Scoliosis. Poster Presentation, APTA Combined Sections Conference.
Vaughan, B; Sabo, S; Hill, K; Howman J. (2014, February). Physical Therapy Intervention including Body Weight Support Treadmill Training for a Young Child with Partial Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum: A Case Study. Poster presentation: APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
Fortuna, K; Orr, W; Dechellis, R; Horsfield, S; Courtney, M; Howman J; Chleboun, G (2013, January). Vastus Lateralis and Vastus Intermedius Fascicle Length and Patellar Tendon Length in Typically Developing Children Ages 7-17. Poster presentation: APTA Combined Sections Meeting.
Both AS, Bruhl A, Houlihan S. (2012) Childcare providers’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviors following prone play training: a pilot study. Poster Presentation. Section on Pediatrics Annual Conference 2012, Orlando, FL.
Mitchell D, George D. (2012, June). Biofeedback for Cognitive and Motor Deficits: A Case Report. Poster Presentation, APTA National Conference.
Project Prepare-Training Grant for Developing Early Childhood Teams. $1.6M. Laurie Dinnebeil, Alexia Metz, Amy Both, Emily Diehm, and Jennifer Reynolds. USOED-IDEA-source of funding 1/1/2020 – 12/32/-2024.
Living Well with Diabetes. $8150. Chalee Engelhard, Beth Brown, and Jeremy Klein. CCTST- source of funding. 1/1/14 – 8/1/15.
Other Presentations
Both A, Berg-Carramusa C, Durham A, George D, Hughes Z, Lairson A, Lippencott M, Lubbeck K, Matson A, McCallum C, Westrick K. (2019). Dual Roles in Assessment and Mentoring in Physical Therapy: A Contemporary View. Ohio Kentucky Consortium of PT Programs for Clinical Education, Cleveland, OH.
Apke T, Gruden J, Tippner H, Rice B. (2016). Cultivating the Clinical Education Team: Successful Strategies from the Clinic. Ohio Kentucky Consortium of PT Programs for Clinical Education, Columbus, OH.
Both A, Crompton J, George D, Hartman S, Overmyer C, Weaver J. (2015). Essential Functions for the Clinical Educator ~ A Contemporary View; A Teachable Moment. Ohio Kentucky Consortium of PT Programs for Clinical Education, Toledo OH.
Apke T, Bayliss J, Engelhard C, English L, Gallivan S, Howman J, McCallum C. (2014) Clinical Education: The Vision of the Future. Ohio Kentucky Consortium of PT Programs for Clinical Education, Lexington, KY.
Engelhard C. (2014). Exploring Today’s Student Characteristics and Incorporating Successful Teaching Tools – Speaker, Annual CSC Symposium, Cincinnati, OH 2014.
Chleboun G, Sindelar B, Both A, Consortium Members . (2012). Medical Imaging: Clinical Applications plus Collaborations in Clinical Education. Ohio Kentucky Consortium of PT Programs for Clinical Education, Pickerington, OH.