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Ohio-Kentucky Fall Conference 2014

Plans are underway for this year's consortium conference. This year the course is entitled- "Clinical Education: The Vision of the Future" and will focus on raising awareness of changes coming to clinical education and how the changes may impact participants as stakeholders in clinical education.

Throughout the course, participants will be introduced to the structures within our professional organizations that impact clinical education as well as a chronological description of the history

and processes that have moved forward the Shared Vision for Clinical Education.

A brief summary of the vision papers as well as The Summit will be presented to the participants with an opportunity to participants to offer feedback. Since discussion of clinical education models is essential to the vision of clinical education, each participant will be afforded the opportunity to participate in a breakout session related to the global topics presented for further discussion.

Please follow this link to the brochure to register. Onsite seating is limited to 50 so register early.

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