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The Value of Educational Leadership Conference

Have you ever experienced a conference where enjoyed the programming so much that you look Conference (ELC) hosted by the Academy of Physical Therapy Education. To me, the value is significant and the take-a-ways are relevant to the challenges I face daily!

In case you might be thinking that I look forward to the conference because I am an educator (partially true), that would be underestimating the benefits of the conference. The conference encourages collaboration and networking, highlights contemporary topics in clinical education, delivers updates on task force initiatives and research, and ignites transformation!

The conference begins with a keynote speaker that promotes visionary thinking in PT education and clinical practice. Last year, Lieutenant General Michael K. Nagata spoke about key habits of leaders in a rapidly changing world. His speech highlighted 3 main concepts: encourage experts to make decisions, ruthlessly share information, and nourish personal relationships.

And that was just the beginning…I attended many other great presentations on topics like developing leadership in students, dynamic debriefing following simulation, early identification of challenges in the affective domain, teaching mindfulness, student wellness, and PT/PTA collaborations.

I know that is a sample of content…what about the value? To me, the real value of ELC resides in thought-provoking, connectedness that comes from listening and conversation. The conference helps me stay apprised of change in education and allows me to take in and reflect on the words of other educators, clinicians, and leaders. And I love the conversations that follow the daily presentations over dinner with consortium members and clinical partners in attendance. The real value of ELC comes from building partnerships and as Lt. General Nagata noted-nourishing personal relationships. Won’t you consider joining us in attendance? We want to connect with you! Please check out the details of the scholarship we offer on our Awards and Recognition page.

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